Sunday, December 15, 2019

Week 16: Final Blog- My Overall Experience

  This semester having to keep a weekly blog taught me a lot about how to dig deeper into stories and about how scary the online world is out there, even more than I thought. 

 After taking this class, it made me rethink how much I want to use social media and when I do, how much information I give out. Before taking this class, I knew there were dangers to online but some of the articles I read really left an impression on me. I am even scared with the Alexa's in my house that I used to think were so cool but after watching the Ted Talks about how they are used to spy on you, I feel paranoid around them and unplug the ones we have in our house from time to time. I even put a sticker over the camera lens. 

Overall, I enjoyed keeping a weekly blog because it was nice to have a place where I could give my thoughts freely with no judgement and no feeling of it being right or wrong answers. I am now considering starting my own blog as it also a good way to destress and practice writing my own stories for my "hopefully" future job as an anchor. I am going to miss this class because it was enjoyable and eye opening  and I hope the next set of students take as much out of it as I have and take advantage of being able to express yourself on the blogs. 

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