Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Week 2: New Technology for Communication

  Lately,  I have been seeing a lot of articles about how we are coming upon the so called "Post-Cellphone era" which is where gadgets like smart watches and other wearable devices are making the demand for cell phones less. When apple first released the Apple Watch in 2015 it was a hit because people loved the idea of being able to call or text anywhere anytime without having to hold a phone so you can multitask. Runners could send a quick text by speaking into the watch or talk on the phone  while moving. The newer watch also allows you to check your emails which is great for a business person who is in a meeting and can't use their phone. Apple has released 5 models since 2015.  Having this watch has opened up an even bigger door for communication because now you don't need your phone to get in contact with someone, all the power is in your wrist.  In the most recent model that came out this year, you can also check Instagram and Facebook and use it how you would on the iPhone which is a big plus for most people with social media being one of the largest forms of communication today. My parents recently got newest apple watch and they love it! It's funny because I hardly ever see them using their cell phone now that they have the watch, instead they answer their texts and calls on the watch and my mom looks through her social media on it. Maybe I need to look into getting the new hot form of communication

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