Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Week 4: Fake News Fight

  After reading the article about Facebook users phone numbers being accessible, it made me want to rethink how much information I put on my page because just a phone number and your name put you at risk for identity theft and non stop scam calls "The exposed data could put users at risk of scam phone calls and other fraud, said Eva Velasquez, president and CEO of the Identity Theft Resource Center. A phone number combined with your name and any public information on your Facebook profile could help scammers convince you they're legitimate. Velasquez suggests making your social media profiles private whenever possible." (C|net, Eva Velasquez). When I was younger and first made my Facebook account, I didn't realize the dangers of putting my email or phone number on my page were because I was nieve and Facebook in the beginning was good at hiding this kind of information from its users especially since most were blinded by the excitement of a new social media site that was like no other. 

  In the article, it talked about how Facebook is cracking down on user data being released but personally I don't know if I buy that because Facebook makes money off of selling its users information to companies so why would they give that up. The only reason they are making that statement is because they have been exposed and want people to think Facebook will protect your privacy so users continue to trust them. If I could give one piece of advise that I have learned after reading these articles,  it would be never put anything on Facebook that you wouldn't give to a stranger. 

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