Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Week 7: History of Google and how it effects communication today

  For my presentation, I did the history of Google and how it effects our world of communication today. For starters, I want to give you a little background of Google and where this great idea started that would change our world forever. It all started on September 4th, 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They met at Stanford and started working on a search engine together called Backrub. The name actually comes from a mathematical term for how many backlinks a page has and Google is a play on word of “googol” a mathematical term for 1 followed by 0’s. In 1998, Andy Bechtolsheim , Co founder of Sun wrote a check for $100,000 to the non-existent company after seeing a demo as he knew it would be the turn of the century, little did he know what it would one day evolve into.  

Google took over worldwide pretty quickly with their first international office launched in 2001 in Tokyo. They did very well when it came to businesses as they offer Google images, Google toolbar, Google charts which allowed businesses to be more efficient in presentations. Google did not only make an impression in the business world but also among society with Google messaging, calendar, alerts, and the main Google search. Today, we use Google search on a daily basis and as a matter of fact I used it to research for this presentation. Ever since Google came along, going to the library to research information is little to none. Google has also added many services that have made advertising and keeping in touch with one another easy anywhere anytime. Google has also made the need for established media such as newspapers and magazines almost none because of its access to everything at the tip of your fingers which is the new wave of communication.

Overall, I think my group did a good job on our presentation and had a lot of interesting information that kept the audience engaged. I also enjoyed this project because I learned a lot of information about services/devices that we use today that I would never have known. You know what they say, you learn something new everyday!

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