Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Week 10: Eight Values of Free Expression

   Individual Self-fulfillment in my opinion is the most important value because allowing people to express themselves and feel heard is beneficial to any society and it helps prevent future issues  with people feeling ignored resulting in potential rioting. 

  In society, people want to feel important and like their voice is being heard and having free speech allows them to do so and find people with the same opinions. People feel just how the title states, self-fulfillment when they speak out. In places like North Korea and China for example, there have been a lot of issues because people have not had that freedom and it makes them feel trapped. My freshman year, my roommate was from China and it was her first time in the States. I remember her telling me how much she liked it here already because of the freedom to do things and express your opinion because in China you could go to jail for saying certain things and for even having social media, which is one of the most common places people speak their opinions. She told me about how people started to back lash on the government and it's becoming a larger issue. 

  Allowing people to have their dignity is important and without the freedom to speak your mind, it gets taken away. Now having said all that, I do believe free speech should be within reason because too much can get out of hand as well. Having that feeling of self-fulfillment is something a lot of us take for granted but we should be thankful we have that right because most people would give anything to have in in their country. 

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