Saturday, October 12, 2019

Week 6: Com Tech Inventions and how they've effected our society

  In todays world, technology is constantly improving around us making us more addicted each day. Its been proven that one in eight people have a smartphone addiction and the numbers are expected to increase in years to come. 

In the video from this week, it was demonstrating how sad and shallow our world has become since technology has taken over. People  are like zombies on their phones because their eyes are glued to the screen with no care for the rest of the world, instead of showing emotion in the real world we use our phones with emojis to show how we feel. Since smartphones have been around, it's almost like we have forgotten how to act in person without a screen to hide behind as displayed in the video. So many of my friends can't take a break from their phones for more than an hour. One of my biggest pet peeves, is when I am hanging with someone or we are out eating and they are on their phone. My friends often do it and I get so annoyed because it makes me feel like the boy in the video where my friends are blind to me and what's around them. Phones have also taken away our privacy and has allowed embarrassing moments or any moments we don't want re live in our life to follow us around which was demonstrated in the video when the girl fell and people already had their phones out recording and posting on social media. This kind of access has ruined peoples lives before and it is only getting worse as technology improves and soon if we don't all become more aware, our society is going to become one giant screen with no care for what life is really about and what's more important. 


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